Thursday, May 20, 2010

Keep your feet out of my hair

Truthfully, I thought only us napptural blonds fell victim to the hair touchers. And I thought only White folks had the nerve to reach out and put their fingers in our hair.

I was wrong. We are ALL victims of this.

Yesterday I found a blog called The Angry Black Woman. She has a store with T shirts that say, "Don't Touch My Hair". Now, I have heard this before but this brought it home one more time for me.

Not only do I get really stupid comments and questions about my hair and my person, the dummies feel they have the right to touch me. I tell them quickly and not so politely that they may draw back a nub. I don't actually say that, I may step back and say, "Excuse you".

Some people will ask. Then I am torn between my need to educate and my need to remain unmolested. If they look clean and I kind of like them I may give permission, but not often.

I am thinking that the longer it gets the more the temptation. I am almost paranoid when I am on the bus. But that will not make me cut it. I plan to grow it to my lower back if it has a will to do so.

So potential molesters beware. Keep your fingers, paws, mitts, feet out of my hair. Thanking you in advance.