Monday, June 28, 2010

longer and longer

I knew this day would come: the day when I would complain about my locks getting into my food or being too hot on my neck or pulling when I sat back against a chair. I knew the day would come when I would sigh about how heavy it gets when I wash it or how long it takes to dry. I knew I would complain about having to pull it out of my collar when I put on a shirt, and constantly move it out of the way as it continues to get longer and heavier.

I knew I would roll my eyes at people wanting to take a picture or touching it or asking me if it is real and a million other questions.

I knew these days would come. And I made this choice anyway. Because I am loving every minute of it.


  1. Beautifully said! I was just smiling as I was reading through. Congrats on your progress!

  2. Thanks, Paula. I think it is something we can all relate to or we will one day soon.

  3. It's what we with short locks aspire to! Looking real good GL!!!!!

  4. You'll get there Nubian1. Look at the picture on my first post.
